Become a member of the New Brunswick College of Family Physicians (NBCFP) Board. Share, learn, and connect with peers to help advance excellence in family medicine across the province. Currently recruiting for the following position:


Chapter representative on the National Committee on Continuing Professional Development (NCCPD)

To ensure the NBCFP provides quality continuing professional development to its members and guide them through the maintenance of their certification.

CPD representative will chair the FMC planning committee and sit on the National Committee on Continuing Professional Development (NCCPD) of the CFPC. Learn more about the Terms of References here!

Chapter representative on the National First Five Years of Practice Committee (FFYP)

To provide support and mentorship to physicians starting out in their first 5 years of practice through innovative tools and resources.

The FFYP representative will sit on the NBCFP Board of directors and the  National FFYP Committee. The representative will collaborate with residents and medical student groups to help new physicians feel well equipped when transitioning to practice. Look at the Terms of References here!


CFPC Advisory Committee on Family Practice (ADComFP)

The Advisory Committee on Family Practice (AdComFP) supports family physicians across Canada with respect to issues impacting the practice environment by advocating for and enhancing the value and importance of family physicians in existing and developing models of care.

Look at the Terms of References here!